Dr. Matthew Lee

Dr. Matthew Lee

Medical Doctor. Entrepreneur. Digital health geek. I write at the intersection of medicine, healthcare technologies, and life.

The Psychology of Death

The Psychology of Death
Members Public

Working as a doctor in a pandemic, death is something I encounter on a regular basis. Coping with it is one of the most challenging aspects of my job. I wanted to share my experiences, and talk about how we perceive death.

Dr. Matthew Lee
Dr. Matthew Lee
Humble Beginnings - why I write

Humble Beginnings - why I write
Members Public

Dear all, I'm super excited to be starting my personal newsletter to share my experiences and insight into medicine as a doctor! Every week, I spend time reflecting on my experiences in medicine, and what I've learned from the books, podcasts, and people I've encountered. My work in the hospital

Dr. Matthew Lee
Dr. Matthew Lee
NYE Protests Outside Hospital: My Experience and Thoughts

NYE Protests Outside Hospital: My Experience and Thoughts
Members Public

I was taken aback by the number of people resonating with my anger. I wanted to share what exactly happened, and my thoughts around it.

Dr. Matthew Lee
Dr. Matthew Lee
Every medical professional should be writing.

Every medical professional should be writing.
Members Public

The online world is full of misinformation. It's more important than ever for us to share our voice.

Dr. Matthew Lee
Dr. Matthew Lee
Nice to meet you.

Nice to meet you.
Members Public

I'm a doctor in London sharing my experiences in medicine and healthcare technologies.

Dr. Matthew Lee
Dr. Matthew Lee